
Customer Testimonials

At Caremark Malta, we take pride in achieving complete customer satisfaction by providing services that are not only cost effective, but very person centred and of high quality.

We treat our customers with sensitivity, creativity, respect and enhance their rights and dignity by supporting and enabling them to live the life they want.

Below are a few accolades from satisfied customers.

The care worker helps with the laundry and general house chores. It made life much more simple, and it is also nice to have someone to speak with.
Sliema - 26/06/13
My 14 year old son had to undergo an operation sustained during a soccer match. Caremark have provided me with assistance during his post op recovery period. I am impressed by their professional approach. I recommend Caremark without any doubts. - Mariana Scerri
Hal-Balzan - 26/06/13
Wara li għamilt operazzjoni fl-isptar Mater Dei, il-Caremark ipprovdewli għajnuna għat-tlett ijiem ta wara operazzjoni, f’dari stess. L-għajuna kienet imprezzabbli, u għenuni mhux biss fid-dar u x-xiri ta ikel u frott imma kienu wkoll ta kumpanija matul dan iż-żmien naqra diffiċli.
Marsaskala - 25/06/13
Smajt riklam fuq ir-radio u ċempilt. Peress li issa naqra avvanzat fl-eta’ kont inkwetat li mingħajr għajnuna kien se jkolli nibda naħseb biex inmur f’xi home. Il-Caremark jiġu darba fl-ġimgħa u f’temp ta sagħtejn jgħinuni bix-xirja, u xi qadi tad-dar. Għandi ħsieb li il-quddiem nuża aktar servizzi għax bis-saħħa tagħhom nista nibqa ngħix f’dari.
Valletta - 24/06/13
I never expected such a professional service, and at my own home. Joyce (Caremark care worker) helps me in a most practical way, which makes my life much easier. I am grateful for her service and cant wait for her next visit.
Mqabba - 23/06/13
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